Home LifestyleHealth A 5 years girls tests positive for COVID-19, doctor asked her to “treat herself” , she died within less than a day after back home.
A 5 years girls tests positive for COVID-19 doctor asked her to treat herself she died within less than a day after back home.

A 5 years girls tests positive for COVID-19, doctor asked her to “treat herself” , she died within less than a day after back home.

by YCPress

November 7th. At the time when the number of Coronavirus Pandemic cases in the United States has surged, a 5-year-old girl in Texas, Tagan White, was also unfortunately diagnosed. However, she was told by the doctor that she “will get better” when she was infected, and she could leave the hospital and go home to recover on her own. However, within 24 hours of returning home, Tagan died of illness.

According to the British “Mirror” report, the 5-year-old Thagen began to experience drowsiness on October 27, and then began to vomit. After her parents sent her to the hospital on the 29th, Tagan was diagnosed with Coronavirus Pandemic. Since Thagen did not have some common symptoms, such as fever and cough, her parents were surprised that her test result was positive. 

However, the doctor said that Thagen can be discharged, claiming that “Coronavirus will not affect children” and “will heal on its own.” On the night of leaving the hospital, the little girl became weaker and weaker. Her mother, Lastassija (Lastassija) woke up at 3 am the next morning and found that her daughter was unresponsive and no breathing. She was taken to the hospital and died due to ineffective rescue.

Lastacia expressed his distress on social media. She said that after losing her daughter, she couldn’t sleep at night and she didn’t know how to continue her life. The child’s father, Quincy, also questioned the doctor’s judgment, saying “maybe they shouldn’t let Tagan out of the hospital. They made mistakes, too many mistakes cost a 5-year-old child his life.” The memorial ceremony for Tagan will be held at 11 am local time on the 7th.