United Nations, November 18 A research report published on the 18th by the United Nations Regional Institute of Crime and Justice (Criminal Justice Institute) stated that criminals and violent extremists are using Coronavirus pandemic to create more for the world confusion.
In the introduction to the report entitled “Stopping the Virus of False Information,” the Director of the Criminal Justice Institute
Antonia Marie De Mayo, said that terrorism, violent extremism and organized criminal groups are trying to take advantage of Coronavirus pandemic, frequently Activities that undermine the effectiveness and credibility of the government’s response to the epidemic.Â
Some terrorist and violent extremist groups are trying to use social media to incite potential terrorists to maliciously spread the Coronavirus pandemic.
According to the report, researchers from the Criminal Justice Institute investigated three groups of right-wing extremists, extremist organizations, and organized criminal groups.
They described how they used social media to spread viral false information and create conspiracy theories, and provided information to prevent them from abusing social media. Technical countermeasures.