May 17 – According to a report by South Korea’s News Agency on the 14th, an American soldier broke into an office in Gwangju, South Korea to sleep that day. South Korean police arrested him and transferred him to the U.S. military.
The disaster-torn soldier belongs to the U.S. Air Force. At the age of 27, he went to South Korea to participate in the joint U.S.-South Korea air drill. Since May 9, he has been participating in the above-mentioned exercises in Gwangju.
In the early morning of May 14, he broke into an office and fell asleep. After the owner found it, he quickly called the police. After confirming the identity of the man, the police found that it had “no property damage” and transferred him to the U.S. military.
According to the Status of U.S. Forces in South Korea, the South Korean police can only continue to detain U.S. troops if they commit 12 malicious crimes such as killing, rape, drug trafficking, beating to death, without having to hand them over to the U.S. military first. South Korea’s Busan Daily has pointed out that it is this unequal agreement that makes the South Korean police helpless against the violations of the U.S. military.