Home Business African-Americans will be on the U.S. currency for the first time to replace the “slave master” former president
African-Americans will be on the U.S. currency for the first time to replace the "slave master" former president

African-Americans will be on the U.S. currency for the first time to replace the “slave master” former president

by YCPress

According to Reuters, the head of Harriet Tubman, a famous abolitionist, will be printed on the front of the new $20 bill.

She said the move would reflect “the history and diversity of America.

Tubman (Reuters)

This means that Tubman will be the first African-American to appear on the U.S. currency, replacing Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States who was a slave owner.

Jackson is also an idol worshipped by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

The $20 U.S. bill with Jackson’s head on it

A former slave on a Maryland plantation, Tubman became one of the most active leaders in her 20s when she escaped slavery and joined the Underground Railroad, which helped black slaves escape the South.

After the Civil War, Tubman became active in the women’s rights movement and died in 1913.

In fact, as early as during the Obama administration, the U.S. Treasury Department decided to print Tubman on U.S. currency, but the plan was postponed by the Trump administration.