Home Politics The reshuffle of American politics Trump’s nemesis is the 80-year-old “witch”
The reshuffle of American politics Trump's nemesis is the 80-year-old "witch"

The reshuffle of American politics Trump’s nemesis is the 80-year-old “witch”

by YCPress

January 13 The violent impact on Capitol Hill not only made the international community look sideways, but also triggered an “earthquake” in American politics.

In a midst of chaos, Nancy Pelosi, the re-elected Speaker of the United States House of Representatives in early 2021, continued to “go after” Trump, which attracted much attention.

What role will the Democratic woman politician in her 80s play in the new season of “Capitol Hill” with a “three axe” and “hard” Trump?

During the riot, the office was broken and the computer was lost…

Pelosi makes the “three-board axe” tough on Trump

On the 6th, on the day of the riots in the U.S. Congress, Pelosi, like other lawmakers, left the Capitol through the emergency passage, but her office was broken into by protesters.

The office door was violently smashed, protesters proudly took pictures from her desk, the staff had to hide under the desk for hours, the mirror inside was broken, a working computer was stolen, the podium was removed and put online auction…

Trump supporters seemed to treat Pelosi as a “outhicle” .”

Now that the violent riots have stopped and Biden is about to come to power, the moment of “accounting” with Trump has begun for Democrats such as Pelosi.

In order to completely end Trump’s political life, Pelosi offered three tricks!

The first move: give Pence an ultimatum

Recently, Pelosi said that the House of Representatives will introduce a resolution on the 11th, requiring Pence to “convene and launch the cabinet and use the 25th amendment to the Constitution to declare that the current president cannot exercise his power”.

However, the House of Representatives’ appeal failed to obtain the approval of all members, and a Republican congressman voted against it. Therefore, the House of Representatives will discuss and vote on this on the 12th local time.

The vote will be passed because the Democratic Party controls the House of Representatives.

Pence, on the other hand, has a day to consider whether to comply with the call of the House of Representatives.

It is widely believed that Pence will not take action to remove Trump from the presidency.

Therefore, Pelosi also prepared a second move, impeachment by Congress.

The second trick: advance the impeachment process

The U.S. House of Representatives officially introduced a resolution to impeach President Trump on the 11th, accusing Trump of “sedition”.

Pelosi and others said that if Pence does not want to remove Trump, the House of Representatives will vote on the impeachment resolution on the 13th Eastern Time.

Trump has little time left in the White House, and Congress will impeach him again at this time.

Although he cannot be expelled from the White House early, it is not meaningless. As a former president, Trump can still be impeached.

And once the impeachment succeeds, in addition to leaving a stain on Trump’s political career, it may make him unable to run for office again

The third trick: focus on the nuclear button and launch a public opinion offensive.

In addition, Pelosi has launched an offensive of public opinion, questioning Trump’s mental state several times.

In a letter to his Democratic colleagues, Pelosi specifically stated that he would “stop a mentally demented president from using nuclear weapons”. “This insane president is too dangerous, and we must do everything to protect the American people from his psychologically unbalanced attacks on the United States and democracy,” she said.

On the 10th, in an interview, Pelosi added: “The people in charge of our government administration are crazy, insane and dangerous.”

In fact, this is not the first time Pelosi has confronted Trump head-on. From the “Russia” investigation to the “Russia” impeachment; from getting stuck in Trump’s funds to build the border wall, to tearing up Trump’s congressional speech; it can be said that Pelosi is one of Trump’s strongest political opponents.

How did such an American politician come into being cruel and tough?

From housewife to No. 3 in American politics

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According to the BBC, Pelosi, who officially entered American politics at the age of 47, completed the transformation from a housewife with five children to the first female speaker of the United States in 20 years. Among them, I have to mention her family background.

Breed in a political family

Pelosi was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1940. She is the youngest of seven children in the family. Unlike many people, Pelosi’s family is politically strong.

Her father and an older brother have served as mayors, and her mother is also keen on political activities.

Perhaps due to the influence of the family atmosphere, Pelosi attended the Democratic Convention at the age of 12 and chose political science when he was in college.

In 1961, she also attended the inaugural dance of then-US President John F. Kennedy.

However, after graduating from college, Pelosi did not go directly from politics, but chose to marry a banker and become a stay-at-home wife.

Walking into politics

In 1976, Pelosi began to get involved in politics. At that time, she used her family to help then Governor Brown win the Maryland presidential primary. After that, she took off all the way within the state’s Democratic Party and took the lead in the state party.

In addition, after moving to San Francisco with her husband, Pelosi met the “noble man” of his political career, California Congressman Phillip Burton.

After Burton’s death, he reportedly passed his position to his widow Sarah. Before dying of cancer, Sarah expressed her hope that Pelosi would take over the position.

At this time, Pelosi’s children went to college, and she also decided to concentrate on politics. As a result, she raised $1 million in seven weeks, held 100 family gatherings, and won the special election in 1987 to become a U.S. House of Representatives.

Arrive to the peak

With a keen sense of political smell, Pelosi rose rapidly within the Democratic Party. In 2001, Pelosi ran for the House Minority Supervisor (the second seat in the House of Representatives in the Democratic Party) and won by a narrow margin. A few months later, she was promoted to the Democratic Party leader of the House of Representatives.

Pelosi was one of the most well-known and open opponents of the time when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003.

This position paid off in 2006 – Democrats won control in the House for the first time in 12 years.

Pelosi was thus elected Speaker of the House by the Democrats in 2007, becoming the first woman in American history to hold this position.

According to the introduction, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is not only the core of power of the U.S. Congress, but also the second “heir” of the President of the United States, and the “third person” in American politics.

In addition, the House of Representatives also controls the “money bag” of the U.S. government. No wonder the media said that Pelosi was Washington’s “most powerful woman”.

Four times became the Speaker of the House of Representatives

How to play Pelosi’s new season?

On January 3, 2021 local time, in the 117th Congress of the United States, Pelosi led the Democratic Party, winning the House of Representatives election by a narrow majority of 216 votes to 209, and was elected Speaker of the House for the fourth time.

At this point, Pelosi, who is over 80 years old, has set another record – becoming the oldest Speaker of the House in American history.

It is worth noting that Pelosi is not at ease in the next term, but is likely to encounter a huge political test.

How to help the Biden administration’s legislation pass the House smoothly in the next two years is a top priority Pelosi must face. However, in this House election, Pelosi leads his opponent by only seven votes. The advantage is very weak and the slightest shake will make the Biden administration’s efforts to implement policies difficult.

In addition, Pelosi also faces many challenges such as doubts brought about by his age, the severe epidemic situation, and the bridging of differences within the party.

“She must find a way to transform her weak majority seat into continuous action,” BBC reporter Zekel said.

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