What are the most popular words in 2020? The Russians gave the answer: COVID-19. According to a report by the Russian press on the 22nd, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, a Russian polling agency, recently launched a poll on the “most popular words in 2020”.
The survey results show that the first place is “COVID-19”, with 61% of respondents choosing. The second-place terms are “Constitutional Amendment” (29%), and third are “self-isolation”, “distance education” and “doctor” (23% each).
According to the report, Russians believe that the most important event in 2020 is the coronavirus epidemic, and believe that medical staff are all out in responding to the coronavirus crisis.
At the same time, the survey also pointed out that there are still many areas to improve the medical system. 45% of the respondents thought it was necessary to lower the price of drugs, and 39% of the respondents thought that more medical equipment should be provided in the vast rural and remote areas.
The poll was conducted from November to December 2020, with 1,600 Russian citizens over the age of 18. Most Russians think 2020 is a “difficult year” and have high hopes for 2021.
According to the survey results, only 8 percent of respondents thought 2020 was generally good, and 88% thought 2020 was very difficult.