Home Politics Australian military killed civilians in Afghanistan. Arab media: Anyone is welcome to condemn Australia’s inhumane behavior.
Australian military killed civilians in Afghanistan. Arab media: Anyone is welcome to condemn Australia's inhumane behavior.

Australian military killed civilians in Afghanistan. Arab media: Anyone is welcome to condemn Australia’s inhumane behavior.

by YCPress

Afghans welcome anyone to condemn inhumane acts that harm ordinary Afghans, in response to the atrocities of killing civilians by Australian special forces in Afghanistan, the Afghan Times recently published an editorial entitled “Friendly Justice”.

The Afghan Times reported that the crime of killing innocent civilians by Australian special forces stationed in southern Afghanistan has aroused widespread condemnation around the world.

Afghans wholeheartedly welcome anyone to condemn inhumane acts that harm ordinary Afghan people. No country can take it for granted that their atrocities will not be prosecuted.

The Afghan people welcome the views of other countries to bring the perpetrators of innocent Afghan people to justice.

British media: Australian military crimes are not a few “rotten fruits”

The British Guardian recently published an article entitled “Experts say that Australians should not regard the war crimes scandal as just a few “rotten fruits”. The report interviewed Samantha Krumpwarts, an Australian defense consultant and military sociologist. It was her internal report written in 2016 that exposed the suspected crimes of the Australian army in the Afghan battlefield.

The article said that after the release of the investigation report, Krampwarts was deeply disappointed that some people in Australia said that the achievements of the whole army should not be erased by the criminal acts of a few soldiers.

The article quotes Klopwarts as saying that anyone who has carefully read the investigation must be clear that the crimes of the ALA should not be regarded as just the mistakes of a few “rotten fruit”, and that the whole special forces should be held accountable.