Home Politics 10 pounds of C-4 explosives lost at U.S. Naval Base in California
10 pounds of C-4 explosives lost at U.S. Naval Base in California

10 pounds of C-4 explosives lost at U.S. Naval Base in California

by YCPress

According to Fox News on February 5th local time, the Marine Corps Air Operations Center in San Bernardino County, California, USA, lost about 10 pounds of C-4 explosives.

Jeff Houston, spokesman for the Naval Crime Investigation Agency (NCIS), said on the same day that out of respect for the investigation procedures, there will be no comments or confirmation of the details of the ongoing investigation at this time.

The report pointed out that the explosives were lost in the military exercises conducted at the naval base two weeks ago, and it may have been stolen.

At present, the naval base provides a reward to ensure the safe return of explosives.

It is reported that C-4 explosive is a high-energy explosive, and about one pound of C-4 explosive is enough to blow up a car.